The Adult and Dislocated Worker Program, under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014, is designed to provide quality employment and training services to assist eligible individuals in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. This program is operated in partnership with WorkSource Oregon.
**If you are looking for the Oregon Unemployment Insurance website, please click here**
Create or update your WorkSource Oregon account
The first step in accessing WorkSource Oregon Services is creating an account. This is also a requirement of Unemployment Insurance. Having an account with an iMatchSkills profile will jump-start your job search. Staff will use your profile to match you to job opportunities.
Rapid Response
Our local Rapid Response team will help you navigate your business through the challenging process of closures, downsizing, and layoffs. We can assist with the development and implementation of a transition strategy, and get you and your workers connected to resources. Click here to access our Rapid Response information.
Virtual Workshops
If you are interested in our virtual workshops, you do not need to meet program requirements or be a part of the program to access them. We have topics ranging from interview skills to basic computer and internet skills. Click on our list of resources below to access the right information for you!
Visit the WorkSource Oregon website for direct links to information on apprenticeships, career exploration, job search, and more! Click here to access the WorkSource Oregon website.
Mike Scroggs
Career Counselor
(541) 386-6300
Traci Miller
Career Counselor
(541) 288-3797
Maddie Heitkemper
Career Counselor